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    • 雕刻家和觀念藝術家:加文‧特克 Gavin Turk
    • 2007-10-21     返回↵
    •     雕刻家和觀念藝術家:加文‧特克 Gavin Turk

      Gavin Turk

      加文.特克,觀念藝術家,畢業于切爾西藝術學院。他不間斷的探索與研究作為藝術家的意義,他的大部分作品關注並探究諸如自身屬性歸屬權、真實性與事物的本原等問題。在1997年,他參加了在皇家美術學院舉辦的著名群展︰"感知"。同時,他也是倫敦著名前衛藝術畫廊  'White Cube' 的代理藝術家之一。

      Gavin Turk, graduated from Chelsea College of Art and Design, is a conceptual artist who continually investigates what it means to be an artist, many of his works deal with issues of authorship, authenticity and originality. He participated in the group exhibition 'Sensation' staged at the Royal Academy, London in 1997. Meanwhile, he is one of the represented artists of London's famous avant-garde gallery, 'White Cube'.


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