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    • University of the Arts London Seminar & Creative Workshop by Jimmy Choo in Hong Kong
    • 2009-10-15     返回↵
    • University of the Arts London Seminar & Creative Workshop

      On 27th Oct, 2009


      We cordially invited the following speakers to share with us 

       Professor Dato Jimmy Choo : Famous Shoe Designer and Alumnus of University of the Arts London

      Ms. Anne Smith : Dean of School of Fashion and Textiles in Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design

      Mr. Colin Kerrigan : Deputy Director of Academic Development of the international Centre in University of the Arts London

      In Regal Kowloon Hotel

      You are cordially invited to attend the seminar on

      27th Oct 2009 (Tuesday) from 17:00 to 19:45

      The schedule is given as follow:

      Schedule on 27th Oct 2009

      17:00  17:20


      17:20  18:00

      Topic: How to get into University of the Arts London?

      Presented by Colin Kerrigan

      18:00  18:30

      Topic: Nurturing Creativity in Fashion and Textile at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design

      Presented by Anne Smith

      18:30  18:50

      Topic: Creativity through skills

      Presented by Jimmy Choo

      18:50  19:00

      Alumni sharing

      19:00  19:45

      Creative Workshop


      Versailles Ballroom I-II, 3/F,

      Regal Kowloon Hotel 

      (Address: 71 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong)

      (MTR East Tst Exit P2)


       NB: Prior reservation is a must as limited places are available. Please contact our

      Hong Kong Representative Office: Chamberlain Educational Services Centre

      or email to ualhk@chamberlain-edu.com

      on or before 6:00pm of 16thOctober, 2009.

      For further information and reservation, please contact:


      3426 8000








      3426 8108










      Representative Office (Hong Kong , Macau and Guangdong Province)





      Chamberlain Educational Services Limited



      21/F., 10 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong








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      Chamberlain Educational Services Limited (Chamberlain Educational Services Centre), Chamberlain Overseas Consulting Limited (Guangzhou), London Arts Academy and all its related companies “the Companies” have used reasonable endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, both the Companies and their employees accept no responsibility and/or liability for any reliance or any action taken in reliance on the content of the document provided.

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