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    • White Show回歸丨中央聖馬丁時尚新生首秀
    • 2021-12-15     返回↵
    • 在暫停兩年後,倫敦藝術大學中央聖馬丁藝術學院的“白秀(White Show)”重回校園。這是一項延續了25年的項目,每一年的時尚本科(BA Fashion)大一學生要用白色面料設計制作一個造型並參與走秀。


      這場時裝秀既是每一個時尚專業新生展現個人才華的舞台,也是集體合作的成果。時尚媒體本科(BA Fashion Communication)的學生爲這場活動制作了節目,對其作爲一個整體進行了概念化。今年的“白秀(White Show)”被重新命名爲“燈光秀(Light Show)”,主題爲“感知”,包括實物預展T台走秀用虛擬技術再創作三個部分。


      Catwalk by Thea Levine


      Jasmine Duncan, BA Fashion, captured by Thea Levine, BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Gabriel Bowden, BA Fashion, captured by Thea Levine, BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Charlotte Rochester, BA Fashion, captured by Thea Levine, BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Sakura Sen, BA Fashion, captured by Thea Levine, BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Backstage by Celinna Chou


      Yiga Zhou, BA Fashion, captured by Celinna Chou, BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Captured by Celinna Chou, BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Isaac Lizarraga, BA Fashion, captured by Celinna Chou, BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Sakura Sen, BA Fashion, captured by Celinna Chou, BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Studio photography by Orien Hough and Zacharie Lewertoff


      Xinyi Tao, BA Fashion, captured by Orien Hough and Zacharie Lewertoff, both BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Marshall McGlone, BA Fashion, captured by Orien Hough and Zacharie Lewertoff, both BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Hennessey Flohd, BA Fashion, captured by Orien Hough and Zacharie Lewertoff, both BA Fashion Communication and Promotion


      Sara Mickoriy, BA Fashion, captured by Orien Hough and Zacharie Lewertoff, both BA Fashion Communication and Promotion









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