University of the Arts London Guangzhou Interview
面試日期: |
2018年12月5-9日 (星期三至星期日) |
Interview Date: |
5 December - 9 December, 2018 |
面 試 官: |
倫敦藝術大學面試官 |
Interviewer: |
Interviewer from University of the Arts London |
面試材料(Application Material): |
* 個人作品集(Portfolio--if applicable)---如申請藝術設計類課程,請帶齊所有作品集。
(please bring all of your works to the interview, if applying for art and design course.) |
* 已填好的申請表(Application Form)---請與我們索取。(Please contact with us.) |
* 個人陳述(Personal Statement) |
* 在校成績單(Academic Transcripts) |
* 畢業證、學位證或在讀證明(Graduation Certificate, Degree Certificate, or Studentship Certificate) |
* 學習計劃書(Study Proposal) ---如需專業指導,請盡早與我們聯系。
(Please contact with us as soon as possible if you need professional guidance.) |
* 推薦信兩份(Reference Letters) |
......等相關文件(詳情請咨詢我們) |
... For more information, please contact us at 020-8760 0086. |
(The interview may still be arranged for students who do not possess all the documents. Please contact our consultant for more information.) |
資料審核(Documents review): |
Please submit your portfolio and documents to our Guangzhou Recruitment Representative at your earliest convenience for initial assessment and guidance. |
作品集指導(Portfolio preparation): |
預約報名電話:(8620) 8760 0086
If you want your portfolio to be better prepared for the interview, you can join tailor made portfolio preparation course at International Creative Art & Design Academy. Limited places are available. All interviews must be arranged in advance. Interested students should apply early to reserve a place. (For reservation: +86 20 87600086) |
面試地點(Interview Location): |
University of the Arts London Marketing and Recruitment Representative (Guangzhou)
(5/F, Xin Fu Xiong Building, 9 Nong Lin Xia Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 510080, P.R.C.) |
University of the Arts London incorporates Six of the world’s most celebrated colleges of art, design, communication and performing arts.
Camberwell College of Arts,
Central Saint Martins,
Chelsea College of Arts,
London College of Communication,
London College of Fashion,
Wimbledon College of Arts |
Part of the Programmes offered:
Architecture, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Fashion Management, Interior Design, Film Production, Product Design, Ceramic Design, Jewellery Design, Performing Arts, etc. |
The Art and Design Portfolios are required for most of the courses offered by University of the Arts London, except some NON-Portfolio courses. For more information, please contact us. |
With the experiences and efforts from the tutors, University of the Arts London has nurtured numerous eminent artists and designers in the world including:
Professor Jimmy Choo (Shoe Designer), Maggi Hambling (Painter), John Galliano (Fashion Designer), Sir Henry Moore (Sculptor), Ralph Fiennes (Film and Stage Actor), Anish Kapoor (Sculptor), Steve McQueen (Artist), Sir Richard Attenborough (Film Producer/Director), Stella McCartney (Fashion Designer), Joe Strummer (Musician), Peter Kindersley (Publisher, Founder of the Doring Kindersley Publishing Group), Terence Conran (Designer, Retailer and Restaurateur), Lucian Freud (Painter), Tim Roth (Actor), Hamish Bowles (European Editor, American Vogue), Antony Gormley (Sculptor), John Hurt (Actor), Mike Leigh (Director), Wright and Teague (Gary Wright and Sheila Teague) (Jewellers), James Dyson (Industrial designer, founder of Dyson Industries), Pierce Brosnan (Actor), Bibi Russell (Textile Designer), Sir Anthony Caro (Sculptor), Colin Firth (Actor), Jefferson Hack (Editorial director and co-founder of magazine 'Dazed and Confused'.), Rut Blees Luxemburg (Photographer), Alexander McQueen (Fashion Designer), Alek Wek (Model).
And Your name here? |
NB: The interview will not charge for any fee. Prior reservation is a must as limited places are available; please contact our University of the Arts London Marketing and Recruitment Representative (Guangzhou).
Online reservation:
(020)8760 0086 (852) 3426 8000
聯系我們(For further information, please contact): |

University of the Arts London Marketing and Recruitment Representative (Guangzhou)
International Creative Art & Design Academy
電話 Tel:020-8760 0086
網址 Website:www.arts-edu.com
郵箱 Email:arts@arts-edu.com
Address: 5/F, Xin Fu Xiong Building, 9 Nong Lin Xia Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 510080, P.R.C.
交通指引(Transportation): |
地鐵:地鐵1號線、6號線 東山口站 C出口
Metro: Line 1 or Line 6,DongShan Kou station, Exit C
Bus: NongLin XiaLu station or DongShan Kou tram terminus
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